Monday, January 6, 2025

Shooting Practice: (Crime/Drama) Scene Recreation

 This post contains a mini project that helped us learn how to shoot a cinematic scene. We did this project as a group.

Lesson Description: For todays lesson, my teacher told us to find a scene from a real movie that fits with our genre for Comp 1. Our task was to recreate a scene from the movie "Fight Club" as it fits with our planned movie genre, we recreated this as a group and split the task so that we each have something to contribute.

Original Scene Here: 

Storyboard Here:

Our Scene Here:


- Audio Echoing

- Actors Changing Positions

- Lighting

- Tripods

- Mise-En-Scene


- No solutions.

- Used a piece of paper on the ground.

- No solutions.

- No solutions.

- No solutions.

Next Time:

- Use a proper microphone and choose better setting.

- Use labels/objects on the ground to identify our spots.

- Buy lighting equipment and shoot in time that fits our scene better.

- Bring a tripod

- Use outfits, setting, appearance that will better fit our scene.

Behind the Scene images:

Reflection: I think the shooting was alright, it was a pretty fun experience and getting to sharpen our saw is always welcome when it comes to media projects, I didn't feel all that comofrtable in acting since it feels awkward and I just don't think I'm all that cut out for acting but I won't mind doing it if I must. The group worked together really well in my opinion and everyone did their part and effort to help out, I hope we can synergise even more when we shoot the actual video.

We came across alot of drawbacks and issues when shooting though it isn't too big of a deal sincce it's just practice, I hope for the actual shooting we'll get whatever equipments, ligthing, clothing, and stuff that we need.

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