Thursday, October 3, 2024

Weekly Progress + Plan

 This Is My Weekly Progress + Plan for my Comp 1 Project.

Week 1:

- Throughout this week we were introduced to the media industry, mainly things like funding, ownership, distribution, charters and agendas, and so on. Charters are basically strict rules that film producers must adhere to and all media text they publish follow those said rules, agendas are bascially based on the funders or owners personal belief and values, which also may affect what media text is being published. Alongside that I finally learnt how confusing this whole media ownership and world is since everything overlaps, owns and owns something else, and so on.

- Following that on Friday, we finally got into our groups and started deciding on what type of film we would want to make and whether it'd be niche or mainstream, I managed to get very little research to the industry as I found it hard to decide on what group we want our movie to be in, and what producer we'd expect to make our typs of movies, in the end though we managed to decide on Lionsgate and Niche/Independent.

Week 2:

- On tuesday we did a more in depth and big research towards our genre, we chose a movie that we wanted to research and had to write things about conventions, and representation which is simillar to what we did last term, I will admit I don't know too much about the movie I'm doing to go very in depth, but I think it's my best shot when I have to consider the genre I'm trying to go for and having to choose a movie that also follows it. I still struggle trying to put in techincal elements especially when it comes to things like editing and camera so I'll have to catch up on that. I also probably need to watch a bit of movie intros to get my mind marinated to this genre I wanna do.

Week 3:

- On week 3, we did a collection of researches both big and small to find more inspirations that could hopefully influence and aid us in making our film, and deciding on what overall aesthetic and emotions we want to envoke and show within our opening.

Week 4:

- On week 4 we learnt further in depth about media consolidation, we learnt about things like vertical and horizontal integration, cross-media convergence, and synergy as well was how those things beenfit the audience and the media companies themselves, then we did a classwork in where we had to research our own case study about which 2 companies did synergy together and how it benefited them and the audience.

- On Tuesday we went into our statement of intent, here we were hit like a truck and decided to move away from the whole mafia genre and aesthetic and decided that we wanted to go for teenage criminals and stuff, aside from that we also drafted and planned the roles of our group, we also chose pur final genres and to what demographic and psycographic we want to aim our opening to.

Week 5:

- On Tuesday we finally began on learning and working on our storyboarding, script, and a little bit of screenplay as well. We first did a rough "bad" draft of what we wanted our storyboard to look like, after which we watched a 13 minute video of how to draw them well before we went on and made another storyboard that is more detailed and in some way better, we also had a long discussion about how exactly we wanted the opening to look like and alot of ideas were brought it, thrown out, and planned to be used.

Week 6:

- This whole week was filled with project lessons and was where we did a majority of our work, I also began to fill up my blogs and ticked a few things on my to-do list. We began to fully go in depth with things like our script/screenplay however our storyboard is still waiting on the script to be somewhat finished or to be further done. I still have a few gaps in my blog such as the script/screenplay post, storyboard post and what not. I'm quite nervous and stressed out since now it's daunting on me with the fact that I still have a lot of work to do and can't just wait things out till the shooting day comes up.

- Next week is sorta gonna be the same thing but I do believe we're gonna start reviewing and learning for our semestral exam which I'm nervous for.

Week 7:

- This week only had one project lesson on Tuesday but that was where we had to pretty much wrap everything up and submit and do everything on our blog, I only managed to get some of them done that day but I kept doing them bit by bit throughout the week, it was kinda confusing since I sometimes didn't know what exactly to put in the blogs and if the things I need to put is exactly finished and enough, but for now all I can do is hope it's enough.

- Aside from that the rest of the week was used for us to review and practice for the semestral exam next week, we practiced both text analysis and writing an essay, the first one in particular was very hard for me since I'm not really used or comfortable writing things like this.

Self Reflection:I think this term went on pretty well, there wasn't much that we did project and shooting wise however I do think i learn much more and could possibly be important and helpful for me in some case.

(Semester 2)

Week 1 

- One of the activities that we got from our teach was shooting and editing practice. The teacher told us to choose a section of a clip from a movie that fits with our chsoen genre for our project and recreate and edit it. My group chose to do a clip from Fight Club, me and Panji acted in it while Arnold edited and did the camera work, Alex helped in camera positioning and taking behind the scene pictures. I think this was helpful since it really helped get our engines running again after a long long break, it also helped us spot what things we need and how we could possibly solve issues we may face.

Week 2 

- This week for our project lesson our teacher gave us the task to practice continuity editing and the importance of it, me and my partner had to practice editing while ensuring we have continuity by using pre recorded clips that were provided by the teacher.

- For our theory lesson we learnt about 4 new audience theories which are Cultivation theory, desensitisation theory, social learning theory, and reception theory.

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